by Richard Keyt
This website is owned and created by F-4 Phantom, LLC, which is owned by Richard & Carol Keyt’s trust. Richard Keyt spent six years in the USAF (1970 – 1976) and was lucky to fly the Phantom for five years.
The purpose of this website is to create a historical record of events experienced by men who flew the F-4 Phantom in combat in the USAF, Navy & Marines during the Vietnam War from 1965 – 1972. The stories are written by men who risked their lives every day flying a supersonic twin-engine fighter-bomber that had its own dangers even when bad guys were not shooting at the airplane. Many book s and movies have been written about men-at-arms in combat and most Americans have an idea of what soldiers on the ground experience in combat. A few books have been written about flying fighters in combat in the Vietnam War, but there has never been a movie about flying combat missions in a supersonic jet fighter.
Men who flew in combat experienced things that are unique to aerial combat. If you flew the F-4 in combat in Vietnam, we want you to be a contributing author to this website. We want combat aviators who flew the F-4 to tell their stories here in text format and in videos. We want to preserve for history what only a few men experienced in the Vietnam War.
If you flew the F-4 in combat in Vietnam and would like to contribute your stories, pictures, audio tapes and your time, send an email message to me, Richard Keyt, the creator of this website, and tell me about your F-4 background and give me your contact information. If you can prove you flew the F-4 in combat, I will give you author rights to this website and you can make posts and web pages to tell you story. We will also assist in adding your Southeast Asia pictures and audio tapes to the site.
To Become a Contributing Author Complete the Form Below & Click Send to Send Richard Keyt a Message
Send me an email message to [email protected] with your name, contact information and SEA F-4 background such as periods in country, bases stationed at, branch of service, squadrons and anything else you want me to know.
You may also call me, Richard Keyt, at 480-664-7478.